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Friday, October 31, 2008Y

9:40 PM

Today is the day for class bbq .. Hahhas.. wake up earlier because my mummy and i was preparing the food tt we bought yesterdayy cox no 1 is preparing for us, Its a last minute decision . So after doing this and tt i went thuu bathe and putt my contact lens cox my gan mummy and nanny gotte puut so coppy them after tt prepare my things thuu the bbq at east coast , meeting my friends at 2 pm at my house cox wanna ask them thuu help me carry with the stuff . after meeting my friends casey refiq gave me an advance birthday present Hahhas wonder wat they get for me.thanks Den we took bus 76 and stop at opp marina police station there and den we walk pass the hdb flat and walk through underground thuu reach east coastt den we walk a long distance thuu reach our destination .. IS really a LONG distance regret never take cab lorrs ..After we found our pit we rest for wwhile den pei and yuting was starting the fireand den the rest were making with other stuff as the toilet was really far from our pit so pei me and yuting rent a bicycle and it cost 30 dollars. den when we were all free we spent the time at the beach watching the beautiful sun it was norrt sunny lahhs..Around 7 something another batch of my friends cum and dey all wish me happy early birthday.. after awhile pei yuting and i went cycling get a call from i of my friends and says tt suddenly no lights there and it was very dark so few of my friends ask me thuu call mr chiangas he is the 1 who book it. den he say he will bring candle for us because he dunch knoe the number and we also dunno who thuu look for.. So around 8 something Mr chiang came with miss wong wonder dey are couple hahas coz my didi friends say tat they everytime together norrt even school time day wil still be together dehh Its was quite late luhhs so miss wong try thuu fin dthe number for us and she call but den the light is still norrt on we was all fareup and continu4e bbqing as it was already really late and some of my friends wanted thuu go home we pack all dehh things up and den we return the bike back.. den when we was walking thuu mc there is a games station so we saty and play the games.. 1st pei yunlin yuting and me play the hai dao cuan it was a little scary hahhas butt we are still brave enough thuu play another time and bell follow up .. yuting was scared and keep on covering her eyes .. after playing yanqi and peipei went thuu play the UFO catcher and den dey total spent around 20something dollars thuu catch lorrs.. Haixx so waste money hahas.. Butt really fun lahhs =p denafter playimg we went mc buy drinks and went home with cab gtg Goodbye =p

9:00 PM

Thursday, October 30, 2008Y

Todayy my mummy ended work at 3.30pm and i was at my cousin house so i ask her and my brother thuu accompany me thuu buy the food for bbq.. So we brought chicken wings hot dogg suasages etc etc.. So we carry lotts of stuuff home .. After tat when we reach home my brother call and he wanted my mummy thuu transfer money for him as he say tt he need thuu eatt .. SO my didi went 600 plus thuu transfer the money with my daddy after awhile he call me and say tt cannot transfer i thought he dunch know ho w thu transfer so my mummy say tat go there together and help outt when we reach there is was a wasted trip cox is norrt tat my didi dunno how thuu transfer is the machine is spoilt.. haiyo he really thee toot dee lehhs.. Hhahas.. So we went there walk walk for awhile and when we reach home is quite late.. So went home and bathe and get ready thuu sleep.. Suddenly mu mummy say tt the chicken wings haven marinate yett OMG and i know i have thuu sleep late again.. wooshh..So wait for dehh chicken wing thuulet it defrost and den can marinate so marinate and pack the bbq things around 12 something den can sleep.. hiaxx.. tats all looking forward for the bbq tmlx.. So anxious gtg goodbye =p

8:51 PM

Wednesday, October 29, 2008Y

Today actually wanted thuu go pei pei house and all plan was cancle =p actually wanted thuu go her house to make the bbq things and think tat is thuu early thuu make cox bbq starts on fridayy 31october =p So all CANCLE =P nth to post todayy gtg Goodbye =p

8:49 PM

Tuesday, October 28, 2008Y

8:44 PM

Today i went far eastt plaza with my friends again.. Hahas .. coz we wanna buyy the same bagg together.. Regina ,Joanne , Cherlyn, Janet , Annabel and me went onlyy =p When we reach there we straightaway go thuu the bagg shop and buy the bag we want and regina, janet and cherlyn brought the same bag as me together, Only regina bag is black as the white is out of stock .. We bought the bag for 15 dollars abd i did nott even have thuu payy cox jeremy is giving it to me as a birthday present =p Thanks =p WE went thuu the toilet and slack for awhile as we were all lazy thuu walk so took some ZILIAN pictures=p After tat we went thuu some place tat sell DS and ask how much was it cox i wanna buyy the 1st wan i ask he told me 2Gb+games is 29something an ddenn i saw anothere shop and askk how much and he told me is 268 also the same 2Gb +games thuu.. Think this is the cheapest shop bahh when i wanted thuu buyy i did norrt have enough money as i spent the 50 dollars at malaysia and leftt only 250 haix so sad just a few dollars and i can buyy =p So i disturb the guy m'sia money can anot and he did norrt even answered me =p Of course cannott lahh rite cox i was joking with him =p so i tell him must wait for me when i have enough money and i buy from him he sayy ok =p After tt we went thuu acompany annabel thuu help her mum buyy shirtt.. after buying the shirtt we went back amk hub again.. So meeting fariz at ntuc entranve because we was going thuu buy the bbq things so after buying we wanted thu play pool butt den annabel and janet sayy wanted thuu go popular and sayy norrt cuming find us luuh we say ok lo.. den we went thuu playy pool .. Hehehss i scherlyn pranja us playy =p WOO after playing for around 2 hrs we went home =p gtg Goodbye =p

8:24 PM

Monday, October 27, 2008Y

today is devapali day.. Happy devapali =p
haixx today is the last day at malaysia haixx.. really fast lo when i was at malaysia is on 25oct and now is lyk not even a day has pass.. miss the times and so wish tat can go again =p and den went home my aunty was at my home cox is holiday and deyy most of my relatives cum and visit my ah ma.. So siao sun rite.. ah ma very happy and keep smiling =p and den nth much happen today lahhs.. tts all ..gtg Goodbye =p

10:16 PM

Sunday, October 26, 2008Y

Todayy wake up early in the morning cox cant really sleep miss my singapore bed and pillow.. Hhahas.. waiting for my breakfast from my tang jie.. Eatt luhhs after tat head off thuu desaru .. Is a malaysia place.. if you gotte watch DUO SHI DA FA XIAN(channel U show) you will know wat the place looks lyk.. Ist of all went thuu some jetty thuu see fishes.. Damn lotts lorrs.. Den head off thu the crocodile farm .. the place is quite disgusting actually butt the crocodile is all big big.. there's also small one butt lesser lahhs.. woo woo.. And den went thuu the desaru fruits farm thuu see lotts of fruits growing is really lyk a garden where euu plant yr flowers.. Is quite beautiful over ther.. there's also animals lyk goats,monkey rabbit,owls and lotts lots more.. we drive our own car up there took around 1 hour thuu reach without any jam.. considence saw my aunty over there with her daughter and son in law with maid and babies.. =p Singapore to mlaysia.. Hhahas.. REALLY damn qiao lorrs.. Aftr finished watching dey gave us some fruits thuu eatt woo woo .. YIPPIE.. loves fruits.. but the honeydew taste odd and the reatt is sweet.. =p tts all at desaru todayy = p den in the night went thuu buy some snacks and chicken wings and beer too.. wait for dehh babies thuu sleep and enjoy our fun with no noise.. Den at around 11 something to 12 wanted suddenly hear fire crackers sound scared me really really loud.. den my jie fu tell me tat after 12 onight is deevapali so they can celebrate and putt fire carckers.. woosh woosh =p after awhile its gone and den went back to sleep =p gtg Goobye =p

9:57 PM

Saturday, October 25, 2008Y

Todayy early in the morning as usual went coffeeshop with my mummy.. And den after tat went thuu 631 bank thuu withdraw moneyy for use at malaysia =p Afetr tat my jie fu ask me thuu take bus wait for him at kathib mrt there so aroud 10something reach there and all my cousin and nepheews was at there luhhs..When we reach malaysia is almost 11something cox we took bus actually we can have a car butt 1 of my jie fu have thuu work and den will be reaching at night so bo bian we have thuu go our own 1stt.We went thuu the shopping center call city square cox its near the custom if i'am norrt wrong and den we have thuu wait for my jiefu thuu go home take care and fetch us =p We went shopping 1st i brought 1 shirtt over there cox there is a offer and is something lyk disney brand. we walk all over the shopping mall felt hungry and went thuu eat mc donalds.. Singapore mc Donalds is better =p yeahh . Shop again until late night and went thuu sleep again =p gtg Goodbye

9:44 PM

Friday, October 24, 2008Y

Todayy went thuu my nephew graduate concertt.. Hahas.. Went ther at around 6something cox the concert starts at 7.. Heng we go there my cousin friends already book a place for us thuu sit.. Hhehex .. if nott we have thuu seat behind and cound nott see clearly.. after the concert went home pack my clothings coz tmlx going malaysiaa and also wonder watt thuu wear.. After packing is late and went back thuu sleep. tts all Gtg Goodbye =p

9:38 PM

Thursday, October 23, 2008Y

tts me when small =p

9:18 PM

Nth much happen
nth thuu sayy
tts all.. =p
butt will show euu my lastt tym photo =p
Goodbye =p

9:16 PM

The shirtt i brought
the things tat my cousin gave

Gett shot by me= p ist she cute with my shirtt

Trying thuu hide

8:45 PM

Wednesday, October 22, 2008Y

Todayy i went thuu my aunty house early in the morning coxx my dad going thuu carry my aunty wardrobe to putt his clothes..Cox it's new and den my aunty dunch wan so she give my father.. Small small only he wantt give me norrt enough thuu putt mt clothings lorrs.. hehe.. Den my aunty daughter gave me and my brother a chewing gumm and also a pouch thuu me.. Cox she justt came back from china and hong kong disneyland =p so on tat day she give me some cute things tat she brought =p before going back home i went thuu 453 my daddy market there nd brought 2 shirt red and a light green with cutr girls drawing on it.. hahas.. So wheni cum back home i ask my 14mths nephew thuu be my modle thuu try outt dehh clothes.. Hahas.. tts all Gtg goodbye =p

8:23 PM

Tuesday, October 21, 2008Y

Todayy around 11a.m kp mother call me.. I was surprise why she called.. And den i knw tt she bluff her mum lahhs.. i also nortt verry sure.. this is watt her mum told me dehhs.. her mum also told me tat she wun allow kp to torn during the class gathering on 31st november ..haixx sianx liao lorrs.. Lesser and lesser ppl tornn luhhs. Haixx..Lets nortt talk bouts this anymore liao lahhs.. NO mode.. hehe.. around afternoon tat tym littles jerry's cookies manager called me .. She ask me weather i still wanna work anott and den i told her ok , she sayy tat she wil call me when she discuss with joanne and her boss butt until now she never call wonder still can workk.. MOst probaly can bahs cox lastt Sundayy i went for dehh JOBB interview mahhs and den she sayy will employ ..hehes.. If never den nvm lorrs ..SOMEMORE the place i work quite far lehhs NOVENA../hr only $4 so little.. Nvm lahhs tryy 1stt ..=P gtg Goodbyye

10:03 PM

Monday, October 20, 2008Y

Cute Bahhs

10:01 PM

Todayy my eldest brother very dehh watt watt lorrs .. Ask me go transfer money thuu his bank as he says tat he will norrt be cuming back from camp and den his bank book at my mummy there and my youngest brother and i have thuu take bus to find my mummy and deposite for him .. WTF.. And den i bring my youngest brother thuu minitoons cox he wanted thuu buy the sweets there.. After tat we headed thuu zone-x it is a games place for kids and adults.. =p my brother and i spents $5 on the cars games. Hahas.. And den i spent another 3dollars for catching the bears things.. A guyy wanted thuu catch the pooh butt he spent alott of moneyy and still cant catchh .. hahas.. Den my brother and i try it outt for just the 3 dollrs and we gett it.. The guyy face turns black lorrs.. Maybe he think tat we youngest can win the oldestt.. Hahas. Kk Gtg Goodbyee =p

5:51 PM

Sunday, October 19, 2008Y

hehexx todayy lastt minute heard from my mum,she say tt weather i wana workk anott and den ask me thuu go for dehh job interview at 2.30 pm.. the interview is at amk norrt novena.. heng lorrs. Hahahs.. haixx lastt minute wann lorrs. Know tt i gotte help outt at my house downstairs and den still me go interview.. haix actually good lahhs i help outt at my house downstairs for only 4 hrs and den i ask my didi cum down help outt.. hehexx At leastt i give him $1 0.. hahas.. abitt scared scared at firstt when going thuu meet the manager butt den quite a relif lahhs cox is the workers who interview me nortt dehh manager.. hahas.. can sayy tat she quite good buut abitt strict =xx sahe sayy will call me asap.. after tat when home saw e-con haven closed yett somemore didi working there so help outt abitt lorrs.. Den i do cashier and den my didi and the uncle mak the price neatly hahas.. I can relaxed somemore =p gtg Goodbye =p

10:13 PM

My mummy bought for me =p

10:25 AM

Todayy i went hub with my mummy and nehpew again.. hahas.. I went thuu buy pants where there is a offer.. Hahas.. Is quite nice butt dehh colour abitt odd odd.. after ttat one lady at hub saw my nephew and ask him weather he wants to do any artts sand and he was shy and say no.. ACTUALLY HE WANTS ... butt horrs too shy liao luhhs lahhs.. After tat dehh lady ask me do with him tgt den bo bian i dun wn he cyrr.. So shamefull lorrs.. hehex. after buying the things we wantt mummy went thuu work and i went to my cousin house from a call from another cousin we went thuu the beach..thanks to him and i gett mosquitoes bite everywhere lorrs.. haix. wE wentto amk 400++ to pray because itt is at night..So after the beach we went and finished praying we went home ttats all.. =p Gtg Goodbye

10:04 AM

Saturday, October 18, 2008Y

the Pophiah i make =p

10:23 AM

nth much today only did some popiah.. Haix damn failed all chao tahh.. ahahs.. nortt nice accept the white ones.. hehex tats all for todayy =p Gtg Goodbye

10:16 AM

Thursday, October 16, 2008Y

Regina mummy going thuu kiss me
Happy happy
Letitia nuer going thuu kiss regina mummy

Laogong and Laopo<<>>

8:29 PM

Grenn shirtt is dehh birthdayy girl Letitia and regina
Leetinqq< > and birthdayy girl


8:26 PM

Todayy is MAYUNLIN birthdayy .. Hahahs.. early in the morning wake up at 7.30 because kanna wake up by my cousin cox she norrt free and ask me thuu bring her son go school.. wtf.. toot.. haixx bo bian lo who ask me so xiao sun.. hehe.. Den around 11 i message peipei and tell her tat i go her house find her 1st cox later we will be meeting yanqi and keatpeng at yanqi house downstairs.. den kp message me and tell tat she wil be late a while .. and den again we meet annabel and yunlin at orchard mrt.. we went thu far eastt , keatt peng brought a shirtt and i go O2 skin bought some cream as it will protect yr skin its wass damn cute and nice smell too.. Lemon and ginseng.. Hahsa.. After tat we went vivo actually we wanted thuu buy yunlin a sunglasses butt never see nice wan and den went thuu playy water and gett our whole body wett.. It was funn .. HAHAS.. and den we went thuu a japan shop and all their things were selling at $2 cheap rite.. Den we wentt thuu the time zone and saww a pool table i ask dehh lady how much she tell me tat $12/hr.. Wow expensive lehhs i go k- pool playy 1/2 price cheaper lorrs.. hahs.. after shopping at vivo we went thuu amk hub just thuu buy yunlin present at monsoon.. It costt $18.. Hhehes.. after tat when thuu buy sushi and we went home.. some pictures will be shownn and some will norrt cox of some ugliness.. Sorry friends =p gtg Goodbye

7:38 PM

Wednesday, October 15, 2008Y

This is mine
tat is my nephew cos he lyk rainboww
the box Enlarge

7:33 PM

Hahas.. todayy my mummy brought donughts for me and my brother thuu eatt.. hahas.. She brought it at AMK HUB it was nice and so she bought a few .. Hahah.. I will show euu how it look later =p and tats all for todayy nothing thuu sayy .. hehe.. Gtg Goodbye

7:17 PM

Tuesday, October 14, 2008Y

The roasted seaweed for making sushii
The sauce in ko ko crunch bowl
Sushi roll
Cute rightt..

10:59 AM

hI.. Its my blogg again.. hahas.. today in the afternoon, i make sushi for afternoon lunchh.. Hhahas.. The sushi is nice bacause there is my favourite pinic ham on it.. There is still tamago egg, crabmeat and some tuna on it.. Cucumberr tHUU.. nICE.. loVES sushii.. hehex.. LATER will show some photo of it. In the afternoon, my mummy friend call her and ask weather i wanted thuu workk anott coxx my mummy friendds dehh daughter working at novena and is shorthanded so she ask me weather i want thuu try it outt anott. Abitt scaredd scard lorrs.. Butt i tell her ok.. Den she sayy she will tell her boss boutt it. And when they confim the time and date they will call me.. The jobb is selling and making cookies dehh,Maybe its quite fun making it .. hahaas.. Gtg goodbye =p

10:53 AM

Friday, October 10, 2008Y

Close View of himHalf viwew of him

Another nephew and me

4:29 PM

Thursday, October 9, 2008Y

Today my mummy working in the morning and i have thuu look after the kids againn .. Haixx. Butt heng my younger brother did not go thuu skul as he gotte no examm.. sO i ask him thuu bring my nephew go school at central there and i at home eatting my breakfast with my other nephew.. They were all so cute lorrs.. hahas.. AND damn funny thuU .. After tat went home with them and meet my mummy went centarl buy piekia.. Is a PIE.. Its delicious.. =p after tat went home and watch my tv.. gtg goodbyee .. Will postt soon

4:35 PM

Hahaas.. Today i gotte a Eoa testt .. Whao for me dehh paper is a bitt hardd. Den pei fonished all dehh question While i gotte some questuion never do.. Hehehx after tat went 600 plus with yuting , Yuting petts dogg and peipei thuu the pet shop coxx dunno here tinqq say watt her pet gott someting wrongg with its bladder.. Hahas.. Actually wanna go hub with them dehh butt yuting sayy waather hot and dun wan go den i accompany pei go only .. we went thuu mos burger cox pei taking free buger sett as she gott dehh stampp.. Den we went thhu Pie Kia thuu buy PIE.. Hahahs.. I brought 4 and pei brought 10 alott lorrs while mine is plastic and hers is boxx NICE lorrs.. After tat i accompany pei home as i wanted thuu go and find my baobeiis near her block there.. hahas.. Den pei went home and we go our seperate wayys.. =p After meeting my baobeiix went thuu couin house eatt and after ttat went homee =p Gtg Goodbyee =p

11:01 AM

Tuesday, October 7, 2008Y

Let you check out 1 of my nephew graduation photo =p
Damn cute, serious and handsome =p
and some of my zilian pictures =p
shhh =p

4:27 PM

Monday, October 6, 2008Y

A picture of a boatt

The band members Dragon boatt
See the smoke
Nice carr

4:23 PM

Hhahas.. Todayy went hougang dou mu gong with my mummy and some of my cousins and relatives.. Took bus 269 to amk central interchange and den took bus number 136 thuu hougang de bus took so long thuu reach there lorrs and i was enjoying the viww.. Hahas.. Butt den quite nice lahh nott many ppl boarded the bus.. =P Reach ther meet up my cousin and relatives and den went thuu eatt Mee Hoon with curry and some desserts.. tHE PURPOSE going there is to prayy.. =p When i was going back that tym suddenly get a call from 1 of my classmate he called me about my exam on wednesdayy..And he aslo told me that he is enjoying hari -raya with some of my malay friends =p Here is some photo tat i took at the temple =p Check it outt =p

4:16 PM

Sunday, October 5, 2008Y

Todaay nth thuu post
Everything as usuall
At home watching TV

4:44 PM

Saturday, October 4, 2008Y

Todayy wentt up early in the morning 6.45am went thuu my sister house .. Whao dammn sleepy lorrs.. Wake up so early justt thuu look after dehh 3 little piggs.. Hahhas.. Nothing unusual happen there.. Still dehh same watchh tv.. Den afternoon my mummy meet me at hub went there with my nice ting kiat walk walk buy milk powder den go home luhhs.. Den during evening went playground with my cousin maid and some of my nice.. So noisyy lorr dehh shout here and there butt quiite funn =p and i wentt backk home in the nightt ==p Gtg goodbyee =p

4:39 PM

Hi everyone is my blog again =p Todayy wake up early in the morning going thuu school to take my maths paper thuuu.. Whao feel so strees lorrs.. Hhehes..When dehh paper start i feel my tummy grumbling coxx never never eatt .. So after my paper, went kopitiam with my mummy eatt.. Tha paper today is also very hard most of the things i study yesterday also never cum outt.. wat a waste of time .. Dunte study better lo.. Got study never study also dehh same .. =P gtg goodbye =p

1:08 PM

Friday, October 3, 2008Y

Whao so lonqq neber post my bloggs luhhs.. HAHAS.. Coxx preparing for my maths paper 2 .. Scared that my maths will failed.. Haixx Sure fail dehh lahhs.. Even ah hao get de question 1 correct and i get it wrong there goes my 1 marks.. nvm dunte give up.. I wan mp4.. My gan-mummy told me that she brought a mp4 so good.. hehex i also want it lorrs.. She told me that she brought for 70 something dollars only lehhs cheap right =p Maybe i also will be buying 1 .. Tmlx is my maths paper luhhs.. gtg thuu studies.. Goodbyee =p

1:03 PM