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Monday, September 29, 2008Y

Soryy never been update my blog for a ;ong time luhs.. Coxx My computer suddenly cannot use.. When monday i wake up saw my mummy using the computer den i know thatt my brother stead reformatt th computer so cann use luhhs.. Hiaxx butt all my thinggs kanna deleated.. Bo bian who call me norrt thuu save it in my thumbdrive.. 8GYTE also no use.. haixx.. gtg Goodbyee =p

3:56 PM

Thursday, September 25, 2008Y

Did nothing much todayy. School was usual.. Maths lesson at Language labb.. Freaking coldd lo.. Never bring along my jackett with me along.. Cum back home baths watch tv for a while went thuu sleep for 3 hours being wake up by my dad and ask me thuu go 7-11 thuu payy for his utlities bill. Reach home after awhile saw my brother just cum back rom army.. watch tv until 11pm.. tats all.. gtg Goodbye =p

9:36 PM

Wednesday, September 24, 2008Y

Hehex.. Todayy we were having alott of free lesson in skull coxx only gotte no eoa.. So relaxx lo.. hehex.. Den maths dehh jimmy gong gong dunoo running here and there so never do anything coxx my class ppl also dunno go where slackk.. So SCHOOL TODAYY is borring.. I gott a call from my mother and she says tat today she norrt working .. am so happy thuu hear that coxx can go outt tgt and spend her money luhhs. hehex.. First of all we took bus 269 stopp at amk primary there and take bus 166 againn around 45 mins thuu reach Chinatown with my dad and mum thuu pray..Denn go walk walk and buyy lotts of tidbits and dried food.. after tat walk pass bugist street and wentt thuu buy clothes.. took mrt to amk my dad sit bus 138 and my mum and i went thuu my cousin place as it is near.. den went amk hub the face shop buy nail polishh.. Pink in colourr.. nice =p after tat go ntuc walk walk.. Legg so pain noww.. denn finished shopping went home.. tats all gtg Goodbye =-p

9:25 PM

Tuesday, September 23, 2008Y

Todayy is yanqii birthdayy.. Hahas.. happy birthadayy thuu euu worrxx.. All dehh bestt hope she lyk dehh presenntt that we give herr.. hehexx.. Actually forgett thuu bing her present thuu herr butt when i leave my house waiting for my brother denn remember it dehh.. My friends dunte knoww aboutt it.. hehexx.. Nth really happen in skul today actually.. coxx norrt lotts ppl know that is yanqi birthday and lott of ppl never cum school expecially yiwen so never disturb herr.. gtg Goodbyee =p

9:13 PM

Monday, September 22, 2008Y

Earing bought at bugistt
Me Leetinqq

9:30 PM

Yanqii birthdayy presentt
My Bagg
Yutinqq Bagg
Weili Bagg

9:25 PM

Todayy nortt really a good dayy thuu postt bahhs.. hahahs.. Coxx after skul went bugist,City Hall and AMK hub wentt thuu buy yanqii birthdayy presentt.. hahas.. Thought of buying the transparent bag for her butt couldnt find it.. So bought some girls accerseris for her.. hahas. CHECK it outt of watt my friends and me bought todayy.. Nothing special actually lahhs.. Walk untill Legg pain lo.. Gtg Goodbye

9:20 PM

Sunday, September 21, 2008Y

Wake up at around 7 plus early ritee.. Haixx gotte workk so envious tat ppl sleeping at this hour hhehex.. Butt at least got 28 dollars.. Yeah.. Can spent dehh money laio ..Buy new things luhhs.. cum back from work watch tv name Huang Jin Lu.. Is Chong bo dehhs.. hehex.. So interesting lols.. =p Suddenly Feel hungry and ate Prawn mee with my brother.. All dehh wayy stayy at home guai rite.. hahas.. Cousin come and all dehh wayy talking .. gtg Goodbye =p

4:47 PM

Saturday, September 20, 2008Y

Hi everyone.. hhashas.. today is a new day againn..
haixx damn sian.. Early Morning wake up go kopitiam with my brother and my mother.. Hahas i ate kuay chap.. Damn nice just love it.. =p Around 2 something i went thuu my cousin house she sayy that wanna go pasir ris park anot dotts!! OMG i wasnt prepare at all watt i wear was a Stupid bigg shirt and a shortts.. So malu.. No shirt for me thuu change.. We get off at 4 something and we went thuu dehh playgroundd.. So boring butt quite funn lahhs.. Free i wanna go ther with my friends.. yeahh =p Expecially peipei mustt go =p reach home at around 8 something hahas went thuu bathe and zzz... gtg Goodbye =P

4:40 PM

Forget thuu tell euu something.. Ermm 2day during maths lesson wonder watt happen thuu 1 of my friend which is MILO .. She has gotte moodswinqq and i dislike her moodswinqq pattern really really hate it. coz today she gotte a fight with vicky and she started shouting , banging the table and kicking the chair and i know ttat world war II is going thuu start.. but instead of getting everybody involved she went out of the room, me and peipei could nortt find her and we both felt scared.. In the end we find her hiding in the technical block toilet crying... haixx.. Everything is all Vicky faults..So milo relaxed ok =p When school ended my friends and i went bishan thuu look for xiao gui yan presents but bishan nothing to buy and until now we still haven get her a present.. her birthday is on next tuesday which is 23 septmber.. is cuming soon.. After going thuu bishan keatpeng and i went for a prize giving which is dehh students leader award at school .. One of the VIP dunno who lahhs was talking thuu deh award winners, parents and school teachers.. He talks alot.. more than 30 mins his mouth is open.. hahas.. and i took photo with him .. haix.. end of the ceremony miss wong wanted thuu take photo with dehh SLC members and irfan, raj vicky and some of my friends take photo together.. Mr Phua is our photographer.. Thanks Mr Phua =p Will remember euu and Mr chiang =p Gtg Goodbye =p Goodnight thuu =z

1:45 PM

Friday, September 19, 2008Y

Forget thuu tell euu something.. Ermm 2day during maths lesson wonder watt happen thuu 1 of my friend which is MILO .. She has gotte moodswinqq and i dislike her moodswinqq pattern really really hate it. coz today she gotte a fight with vicky and she started shouting , banging the table and kicking the chair and i know ttat world war II is going thuu start.. but instead of getting everybody involved she went out of the room, me and peipei could nortt find her and we both felt scared.. In the end we find her hiding in the technical block toilet crying... haixx.. Everything is all Vicky faults..So milo relaxed ok =p When school ended my friends and i went bishan thuu look for xiao gui yan presents but bishan nothing to buy and until now we still haven get her a present.. her birthday is on next tuesday which is 23 septmber.. is cuming soon.. After going thuu bishan keatpeng and i went for a prize giving which is dehh students leader award at school .. One of the VIP dunno who lahhs was talking thuu deh award winners, parents and school teachers.. He talks alot.. more than 30 mins his mouth is open.. hahas.. and i took photo with him .. haix.. end of the ceremony miss wong wanted thuu take photo with dehh SLC members and irfan, raj vicky and some of my friends take photo together.. Mr Phua is our photographer.. Thanks Mr Phua =p Will remember euu and Mr chiang =p Gtg Goodbye =p Goodnight thuu =z

10:08 PM

Hi hahas is my posting again.. hahas.. today as usual went thuu school started assembly waiting for pei pei and keatpenqq thuu cum school.. Yanqi never cum todayy, she says lesson's borring.. As our english and chinese N's level is over last week during english lesson our teacher Miss Doreen Ng lett us watch SIMPSONS.. is a cartoon old show.. Keatpeng were there and she keep sleeping while i was listening thuu the mp3.. Fiind dehh show boring tats why nott watching.. hhashas.. Wasting time only.. During chinese lesson our teacher say tat she's norrt really free .den the next class 422 is wtching LIANG PO PO movie and their teacher ask us thuu join them..Thanks worrx.. Whao it was a damn funny show.. I was really laughing through dehh whole lesson.. hahas.. If i'am norrt wrong peipei and i laugh dehh loudest.. hehex..

10:08 PM

Thursday, September 18, 2008Y

This is peipei dehh purse.. She likes Kuromi lotts lotts

4:51 PM

To all my friends whom i know.. Ahahas.. Remember friends forever.. =p

4:51 PM

To all my friends whom i know.. Ahahas.. Remember friends forever.. =p

4:51 PM

This is Keatpeng slysvester and this is also last year bithday present my friends and i gave it thuu her .. aint it cute.. Hahas.. Also dunno why she brought it thuu school..

4:51 PM

See my gan-mummy dehh face.. Shes doing a twist
yanqi lyk auntie buying things fron the supermarkets and
putting it inside her bag keat peng is using her phone in class while i was taking tis photo.. =p

4:51 PM

Todayy is dehhs 18th of september..ahahahas.. Days was so fastt .. todayy at school we thought tat we do not have any Common Test butt later our class teacher say tat we have a test.. WTF.. bUT nvm its ok.. We have 2 hours of maths and our teacher jimmy gong gong was going through our Prelimms together with us.. hhaahas.. Only few ppl of our class pass and manyy failed their maths.. haix.. It was so difficult and thought of giving up.. During Pc(Pastoral Care) Lesson we have our free time and we were discussing about our end- of - year Class partyy.. hahas.. My friend keat peng did a stupid things todayy .. she was playing with rashidd and while she were throwing paper to rashid the roll of paper hitted me instead of hitting rashid.. I shouted her name out LOUDLY.... Thats d end of watt happen in school todayy.. After i reach home i saw my nephew sleeping and thought its time for me thuu relax butt after i finished bathing he wake up and he wants me thuu play with him.. haixx.. now i fell tired playing andd looking after himm.. Its also nortt easy to look after babies..Tats dehh end =p gtg Goodbye =p

4:51 PM

Wednesday, September 17, 2008Y
My 1st postinqq

Hi everyone this is my first (1st) Post here which is in the Science lab and we were learning robotic.. hahas.. Our teacher never cum and mr chiang lett us have free lesson and i'am using computer now.. Att first i found it lame and borinqq thuu have a blogspott butt after i knew my darlinqq Regina create 1 and is nice i started thuu have 1. Is nortt that i copy her is that i was beinqq threaten by her and some of the friends to have 1 like them .. hahas .. haixx noww studyinqq hardd for my N's level butt horrs feel very stress tat exam is cumingg.. i will be having my maths paper 1 on 29th of October... Is nortt lonqq and i find the time for me to studdy is shortt.. hahas.. Butt i still have the time thuu play =p .. gtg Goodbye =x

1:16 PM